Protect the cash inside your 4617T tray during shift changes and while stored in your safe. Simply slide the sturdy steel 4617L lid on and secure the robust lock with the key. Combined with the 4617T's shatterproof PVC construction, the 4617L makes it all but impossible for robbers to access your cash.
- General
- Protect the cash inside your 4617T tray during shift changes and while stored in your safe. Simply slide the sturdy steel 4617L lid on and secure the robust lock with the key. Combined with the 4617T's shatterproof PVC construction, the 4617L makes it all but impossible for robbers to access your cash.
2-position lock (locked and open) |
For cash drawer SD-4617S |
Protect your cash drawer while changing shifts, guarantees safe transport |
Robust metal construction |