Includes the essential first aid facilities for a first aid room comprising of first aid couch, couch step, privacy screen and pedal bin, A first aid room helps you comply with the Health and Safety Commission Approved Code of Practice L74 March 1997 which states that "Employers should provide a suitable first aid room or rooms where the assessment of first aid needs identifies this as necessary". All the basic requirements for a workplace first aid solution Contains: First aid couch Couch step Three curtain privacy screen Stainless steel pedal bin
- General
- Includes the essential first aid facilities for a first aid room comprising of first aid couch, couch step, privacy screen and pedal bin, A first aid room helps you comply with the Health and Safety Commission Approved Code of Practice L74 March 1997 which states that "Employers should provide a suitable first aid room or rooms where the assessment of first aid needs identifies this as necessary". All the basic requirements for a workplace first aid solution Contains: First aid couch Couch step Three curtain privacy screen Stainless steel pedal bin